Java Final Keyword: A Comprehensive Guide

Java is a popular programming language that is used for a wide variety of applications, ranging from web development to mobile app development to machine learning. One of the features of Java that is particularly important for programmers to understand is the “final” keyword.

The “final” keyword in Java is used to indicate that a variable, method, or class cannot be changed or overridden after it has been defined. This can be useful in a number of different contexts, such as ensuring that a variable maintains a constant value, preventing a method from being modified, or creating an immutable class.

Understanding how to use the “final” keyword effectively can help you write more robust, maintainable, and efficient Java code. In this tutorial, we’ll provide an overview of what the “final” keyword is, and how it can be used in different contexts within Java. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use “final” to make your Java code more reliable and secure.

What is the final keyword in Java?

In Java, the “final” keyword is used to define an entity that cannot be modified after it has been initialized. It can be used to make a variable, method, or class immutable.

The “final” keyword can be used in various contexts such as variables, methods, and classes. In each context, the use of the “final” keyword indicates that the entity is immutable and cannot be changed.

When the “final” keyword is used with a variable, it means that the value of the variable cannot be changed once it has been initialized. This can be useful when you want to define a constant value that should not be modified.

Here’s an example of using “final” with a variable:

final int MAX_COUNT = 10;

In this example, “MAX_COUNT” is a constant variable, and its value is set to 10. Once initialized, the value of “MAX_COUNT” cannot be changed.

When the “final” keyword is used with a method, it means that the method cannot be overridden by any subclass. This can be useful when you want to ensure that a method’s behavior remains consistent throughout the program’s execution.

Here’s an example of using “final” with a method:

public final void printMessage(String message) {

In this example, the “printMessage()” method is declared as final. This means that the method cannot be overridden by any subclass, and its behavior will remain consistent throughout the program’s execution.

When the “final” keyword is used with a class, it means that the class cannot be subclassed. This can be useful when you want to ensure that a class’s behavior remains consistent throughout the program’s execution.

Here’s an example of using “final” with a class:

final class MyClass {
    // class definition

In this example, the “MyClass” class is declared as final. This means that the class cannot be subclassed, and its behavior will remain consistent throughout the program’s execution.

Overall, the “final” keyword is an important feature of Java that allows you to define entities that cannot be modified after they have been initialized. This can be useful when you want to ensure that certain values or behaviors remain consistent throughout the program’s execution.

Using final with variables

In Java, the “final” keyword can be used with variables to indicate that their value cannot be changed once they have been initialized. Here are some of the benefits of using “final” with variables:

  1. Preventing accidental changes: When you declare a variable as final, you are explicitly stating that its value should not be modified. This can help prevent accidental changes to the variable’s value later in the program, which can be difficult to debug.

  2. Improving performance: The Java compiler can optimize code that uses final variables, since it knows that their value will not change. This can lead to faster execution times and more efficient use of memory.

  3. Enforcing immutability: If you are working with immutable objects, such as strings or other reference types, you can use final variables to ensure that their values cannot be changed. This can help prevent bugs and improve the maintainability of your code.

Here is an example of how to use the “final” keyword with a variable in Java:

final int MAX_VALUE = 100;

In this example, we declare a final integer variable named “MAX_VALUE” and initialize it to 100. Once the variable has been assigned a value, it cannot be changed later in the program.

It’s worth noting that the “final” keyword can also be used with instance variables and static variables. In the case of instance variables, each object will have its own copy of the variable, which cannot be changed once it has been initialized. In the case of static variables, there will be only one copy of the variable shared across all instances of the class.

Overall, using the “final” keyword with variables can be a powerful tool for improving the quality and performance of your Java code. By explicitly declaring which values should not be changed, you can help prevent bugs, improve performance, and enforce immutability in your code.

Using final with methods

In Java, the “final” keyword can also be used to declare methods. When a method is declared as final, it cannot be overridden by subclasses. This means that the method implementation in the superclass is the final implementation that will be used by all subclasses.

There are several benefits to using the “final” keyword with methods:

  1. Preventing unintentional method overriding: By declaring a method as final, you can prevent subclasses from accidentally overriding the method and changing its behavior. This can help to prevent bugs and unexpected behavior in your code.

  2. Enhancing security: If a method in a class is declared as final, it cannot be changed by malicious code that may try to override it to introduce security vulnerabilities.

  3. Improving performance: When a method is declared as final, the compiler can optimize the method invocation by inlining the method call. This can improve performance in some cases.

Here’s an example that illustrates the use of “final” with a method:

public class Animal {
  public final void makeSound() {
    System.out.println("The animal makes a sound");

public class Cat extends Animal {
  public void makeSound() { // Compiler error: Cannot override the final method from Animal

In this example, the makeSound() method in the Animal class is declared as final. When we try to override this method in the Cat class, the compiler throws an error because the method cannot be overridden.

Note that only methods that are intended to be overridden by subclasses should be declared without the final keyword. If a method is not meant to be overridden, it’s a good practice to declare it as final to prevent unintentional changes to its behavior.

In summary, using the “final” keyword with methods in Java can help prevent bugs, enhance security, and improve performance.

Using final with classes

The “final” keyword can also be used with classes in Java. When a class is marked as “final”, it cannot be subclassed by any other class. This means that you cannot create a subclass of a “final” class, and any attempt to do so will result in a compile-time error.

Here are some benefits of using the “final” keyword with classes:

  1. Preventing unwanted subclassing: When a class is marked as “final”, you can be sure that no other class will extend it and modify its behavior in unexpected ways. This can be useful in situations where you want to provide a class with a fixed behavior that cannot be altered by external code.

  2. Improving performance: Marking a class as “final” allows the compiler to optimize the code more aggressively, since it knows that the class cannot be subclassed and that its behavior will not change at runtime.

Here is an example of a “final” class:

final class MyFinalClass {
    // Class implementation goes here

In this example, the “MyFinalClass” class is marked as “final”, which means that it cannot be subclassed by any other class. If you try to create a subclass of this class, you will get a compile-time error.

class MySubclass extends MyFinalClass { // Compile-time error
    // Subclass implementation goes here

It’s worth noting that the “final” keyword can be used with classes, methods, and variables, but their meanings are slightly different in each context. When used with classes, “final” means that the class cannot be subclassed. When used with methods, “final” means that the method cannot be overridden by a subclass. And when used with variables, “final” means that the variable cannot be reassigned after it has been initialized.

In conclusion, using the “final” keyword with classes can help prevent unwanted subclassing and improve performance by allowing the compiler to optimize the code more aggressively. However, it’s important to use the “final” keyword judiciously and only when it makes sense for your particular use case.


In conclusion, the “final” keyword in Java is an important concept that every Java programmer should understand. The “final” keyword is used to define constants, prevent method overriding, and prevent class inheritance. Using “final” can help make code more robust and maintainable, and can also improve performance in some cases.

Throughout this tutorial, we have discussed the different contexts in which the “final” keyword can be used, including with variables, methods, and classes. We have also covered the benefits of using “final” in each of these contexts, and provided examples to illustrate their use.

As a Java programmer, understanding the “final” keyword will enable you to write better code that is more reliable and easier to maintain. By using “final” appropriately, you can prevent bugs and errors in your code, and ensure that your code behaves as expected.

I trust that this tutorial provided you with helpful insights. If you’re interested in delving deeper into the topic, I recommend visiting the Java Tutorials page for further resources.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is the difference between “final” and “static” in Java?
    In Java, “final” and “static” are both keywords used to define characteristics of variables and methods. The “final” keyword is used to define constants that cannot be changed after they are initialized, while the “static” keyword is used to define class-level variables and methods that can be accessed without creating an instance of the class. In other words, “final” is used to define unchangeable constants, whereas “static” is used to define variables and methods that can be accessed without creating an object of the class.
  • Can you have a “final” method that is not static?
    Yes, it is possible to have a “final” method that is not static in Java. When the “final” keyword is applied to a method, it means that the method cannot be overridden by any subclass. This can be useful for ensuring that the behavior of a particular method remains consistent across all instances of a class. However, it’s important to note that applying “final” to a method does not make it “static” – a “final” method can still access instance variables and other non-static members of the class.
  • Is “final” keyword applicable to abstract methods and classes in Java?
    Yes, the “final” keyword is applicable to abstract methods and classes in Java. When applied to an abstract method, the “final” keyword prevents any subclass from overriding the method. This is useful when you want to ensure that the behavior of the method remains consistent across all subclasses. Similarly, when applied to an abstract class, the “final” keyword prevents any subclass from extending the class. This is useful when you want to ensure that the design of the abstract class cannot be altered or extended.
  • How does using “final” affect the memory usage of a Java program?
    The impact of using the “final” keyword on memory usage in a Java program is negligible. Although declaring a variable or object reference as “final” prevents its value from being reassigned, it does not affect the amount of memory used by the variable or object reference. However, if you are interested in measuring the memory usage of your Java program, you can use the MemoryUsage class provided by the Java Virtual Machine to obtain information about the current memory usage and allocation of objects.

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