Rabbit MQ – Download, Install and Change Password

In this tutorial, you will learn how to download, install and run Rabbit MQ on your computer. I will also show you how to change the default Rabbit MQ Administrator password and create a new user.

You might also be interested to learn how to run RabbitMQ in a Docker container or use RabbitMQ with Spring Cloud Bus.

For a step-by-step series of video lessons, please check this page: Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud.

Download, Install and Run Rabbit MQ

To download Rabbit MQ for your computer, visit the following URL https://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html. There are download and installation instructions for different platforms. I use Mac and Homebrew, so I followed this URL to install Rabbit MQ with Homebrew: https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-homebrew.html.

Installing Rabbit MQ on Mac

In your terminal window:

  1. Update Homebrew with the following command:  brew update
  2. Install Rabbit MQ Server by running:  brew install rabbitmq
  3. Then run export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin
  4. Start Rabbit MQ server with rabbitmq-server command

Once you run the rabbitmq-server command to start the Rabbit MQ server, you should see the following in your terminal window:

Rabbit MQ Server is now running.

Access Rabbit MQ Server dashboard

To access the Rabbit MQ dashboard,

  1. Open the following URL in your browser window: http://localhost:15672 and,
  2. Login with user name guest and password guest

At the time of writing this blog post, the Rabbit MQ dashboard looks like the one in the image below

Update User Password

Follow these steps to update the default username and password from guest/guest.  

  1. Open the following URL in your browser window: http://localhost:15672 and,
  2. Login with user name guest and password guest,
  3. Click on Admin tab. You should see a screen as in the image below

4. Click on the guest user name and scroll down the page to find the Update this user section. It should look like this in the image below:

5. Provide a new password for this user and click on the Update user button.

Create New User

To create a new User, follow the below steps

  1. Open the following URL in your browser window: http://localhost:15672 and,
  2. Login with user name guest and password guest,
  3. Click on Admin tab. You should see a screen as in the image below

4. Expand the Add a user section. Once the “Add a user” section is expanded, you should see a form like in the image below:

5. Provide a new Username, Password and Tags. To learn what the Tags are, click on the? (question mark) link at the end of the Tags input text field.

This should help you create a new user.

I hope this tutorial was helpful to you. If you use Rabbit MQ with Spring Cloud Bus to create RESTful Microservices, then have a look at the list of other tutorials I have on this topic.

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