
WKWebView is a powerful class in the WebKit framework that allows you to embed web content in your iOS app. It’s essentially a mini-browser that provides a rich, interactive web experience within your application. Unlike UIWebView, which was deprecated and removed from iOS 12 onwards, WKWebView is more efficient, has better performance, and offers advanced features like…

Read More Create WKWebView Programmatically and Load Webpage URL

The following Swift code example demonstrates how to create a UIWebView programmatically and how to make it render HTML code. To break it into smaller steps, the below code snippet demonstrates how to: Create UIWebView programmatically, Implement UIWebViewDelegate functions webViewDidStartLoad and webViewDidFinishLoad, Make UIWebView render HTML Code. Render HTML in UIWebView import UIKit import WebKit class…

Read More Create UIWebView Programmatically and Render HTML Code