
In this tutorial, you will learn how to perform a time-consuming task in a background thread in Swift. In iOS development, achieving concurrency primarily involves effectively utilizing multi-threading. Running multiple threads can give the appearance of simultaneous execution, which is crucial for keeping the UI responsive while performing heavy computations or network requests. Why Background…

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In this Swift code example, you will learn how to create a UIButton in Swift programmatically without using the storyboard or the interface builder. This is going to be a short tutorial with a very simple code example, but it will contain a lot of useful details like: Create UIButton programmatically in Swift, Position UIButton…

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In this tutorial, I will share with you a few code examples on how to work with dates in Swift.  I will use DateComponents to add more days, months, or years to the current Date object in Swift. Let’s start with the basics. The first thing you need to know is that Swift provides several…

Read More Add Days, Months or Years to a Current Date in Swift

In this tutorial, you will learn how to handle errors in Swift. Errors in Swift are unexpected events that occur during program execution. They can be caused by various factors such as invalid user input, device failure, loss of network connection, physical limitations (like running out of disk memory), or code errors. Throw Statement In…

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to compare strings in Swift. You will learn how to check if two strings are the same. Knowing how to do it is essential, especially when dealing with user inputs and form validations in your own apps. Basic Equality Check: The == Operator in Swift The most straightforward way…

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When you’re coding in Swift, managing strings is a crucial part of the process. One frequent task is checking for empty strings, which becomes especially important for tasks like validating user input. In this tutorial, you’ll learn different methods to check for and handle empty strings in Swift. Comparing with an Empty String in Swift…

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In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to remove all items from a dictionary in Swift. This is a handy skill to have, especially when you’re dealing with large dictionaries and you want to clear them quickly. Step 1: Create a Dictionary First, let’s start by creating a dictionary. A dictionary in Swift is a…

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String comparison is a common task in Swift, and understanding how to perform case-insensitive comparisons is crucial. In this post, you’ll explore the basics of case-insensitive comparison of Strings through practical examples that will help you grasp this essential concept. Basics of String Comparison in Swift In Swift, comparing strings involves determining their order based…

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In Swift, dictionaries are an unordered collection of paired data or key-value pairs. They are very useful when you need to store data that has a specific association between a key and a value. However, sometimes you might want to remove certain items from the dictionary. In this tutorial, you will learn about different ways…

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In a previous tutorial, you delved into the fundamentals of Swift closures, understanding their syntax, and exploring their practical applications. Building upon that knowledge, let’s explore the powerful realm of closures with multiple parameters. Understanding Closures According to Swift’s Official Documentation, closures are functional blocks in Swift that can be assigned to variables, passed as…

Read More Closures With Multiple Parameters in Swift: A Beginner’s Guide

In Swift, a dictionary is a data structure that stores information in key-value pairs. You can iterate or loop through a dictionary to access the keys and values within the loop. There are several ways to achieve this, including using  for-in loops and forEach methods. Using a For-In loop The for-in loop is a simpler way to iterate…

Read More Loop Through a Dictionary in Swift