
Maven is a popular build tool for Java projects. It helps you manage dependencies, build and test your projects, and package them for distribution. Keeping Maven up-to-date is important to take advantage of the latest bug fixes and new features. If you do not have Maven installed on your computer, then read How to install…

Read More Upgrading Maven on macOS

In this tutorial, you will learn about the main difference between the “mvn package” and “mvn install” commands. As well as how to use both commands on your computer. “mvn package” vs “mvn install” The main difference between the “mvn package” and “mvn install” commands is that mvn package command will compile the source and will package it in its…

Read More Difference Between “mvn package” and “mvn install”

Maven is a build automation tool that is primarily used for Java projects. It provides a set of conventions for building and managing projects, making it easier to manage dependencies, build processes, and project configurations. Maven automates many of the tedious tasks associated with building and managing Java projects, such as compiling source code, creating…

Read More How to Install Maven on Mac OS

In this blog post I am going to share with you a way to create a RESTful Web Service to: Create a new user profile, Generate and save in database a user secure user password rather than an actual password provided by user, Return back as a response a custom user profile object(JSON) with information that…

Read More RESTful Web Service to Save a New User in Database

When building RESTful Web Services for your Mobile app with Java JAX-RS and Jersey you can use any Java Servlet container to deploy and run your final .WAR file. But if you use Jetty then there is a very quick way to build and run your application using Maven and jetty-maven-plugin. Below is a short…

Read More Add Jetty Maven Plugin to Your JAX-RS Project

Hibernate is a great framework to use to persist data into a database when building RESTful Web Services for your mobile application with Jersey and JAX-RS. In most of the projects I have participated when designing RESTful Web Services for Mobile App we used MySQL database server and Hibernate framework to store user data which…

Read More Persist Java Object in MySQL Database With Hibernate