Spring Framework is a popular Java-based framework that provides a comprehensive infrastructure for developing Java applications. The framework was initially released in 2002 by Rod Johnson, who was frustrated with the complexity of the existing Java EE (Enterprise Edition) platform. He wanted to create a simpler and more lightweight framework that would make it easier…
Read More Excel in Spring Framework: The Complete Guide
In this tutorial, you will learn how to get the port number on which your Spring Boot application is running. Whether it is a defined port number or a random port number. Let’s start learning how to get the running port number first. @LocalServerPort Annotation If your Spring Boot application is configured to start on…
Read More Get the Random Port Number in Spring Boot
In this tutorial, we are going to see how to insert records into a DynamoDB table using an AWS Lambda function written using Spring Boot Java. We are also going to add an AWS API Gateway trigger to the Lambda function and see how it works. To follow this tutorial, make sure that you have…
Read More Writing into DynamoDB in a Spring Boot App using AWS Lambda
In this tutorial, you will learn about Spring Boot Actuator. You will also see how it helps to monitor and manage your application seamlessly. Overview The actuator is a monitoring function provided by the Spring Boot framework. The actuator works by exposing endpoints that can be used to monitor the internal conditions of the Spring…
Read More Spring Boot Actuator Tutorial
This tutorial is about creating an AWS Lambda function using Spring Boot and adding an S3 trigger to it. Amazon S3 or Simple Storage Service is a cloud object storage service offered by AWS. It is a scalable, high-speed, web-based cloud storage service to store data objects in a bucket structure. Ensure that you have…
Read More AWS Lambda with S3 Trigger using Spring boot
In this tutorial, you will learn to design and run in a Docker container a simple Spring Boot application that uses MongoDB. To learn more about Docker, please check Docker Tutorials page. Overview Docker is becoming an increasingly important tool in the DevOps process. It allows you to package an application, along with all its…
Read More Spring Boot Application with MongoDB in Docker Container
Spring Boot is a popular framework for building Java-based web applications. It provides a simple and efficient way to build, deploy and run Java applications quickly. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the framework’s basics, including its features, advantages over the Spring Framework, and how to get started with creating your first application using it. Whether…
Read More Spring Boot: Getting Started Guide
This tutorial is about creating Lambda functions from Spring Cloud Functions. Spring Cloud Functions provide a way to implement the business logic via functions and decouple code development from the runtime target. Hence, the developer can focus solely on the implementation of logic. The developer need not worry about the target endpoint type, connectivity, integration,…
Read More Create AWS Lambda Functions from Spring Cloud Functions
Build and deploy a Serverless Spring Boot Web Application with AWS Lambda This is a tutorial about creating a basic AWS Lambda function in Java using the Spring framework and requires you to have an active AWS account. If you don’t, go ahead and create one. Lambda is the serverless compute service provided by the…
Read More Build and deploy a Serverless Spring Boot Web Application with AWS Lambda
An important property of modern web apps is resilience. In simple terms, resilience refers to the ability of a system or feature to fail gracefully without impacting the entire system. In the context of web apps, we want to ensure that the entire system will not go down if a remote service, such as a…
Read More Enforcing Resilience in Spring Boot with Resilience4J
This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a Spring Boot REST app to Tomcat 10. Apache states that the Jakarta EE platform represents the evolution of the Java EE platform. Tomcat 10 and later versions implement specifications that were developed as part of Jakarta EE. In contrast, Tomcat 9 and earlier versions implement specifications that were…
Read More Deploy a Spring Boot App as a WAR to Tomcat 10
What do you want to learn today? Spring Cloud Recent Tutorials Spring Cloud API Gateway Global Filter Example Sergey Kargopolov Spring Cloud In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a very simple Spring Cloud API Gateway Global Pre-filter and Post filter classes. Global filters are Read More The Header Predicate in Spring Cloud…
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What do you want to learn today? Spring Boot Recent Tutorials Start Spring Boot App on a Random Port Number Sergey Kargopolov Spring Boot | Spring Cloud In this tutorial, you will learn how to start your Spring Boot application on a random port number. This is very helpful when you need Read More Start…
Read More Spring Boot Tutorials
One way to ensure that an HTTP request to a web service endpoint contains an Authorization JWT token is to configure a gateway route to require an Authorization header. If the HTTP request does not contain an Authorization header, Spring Cloud API Gateway will not even route this request to a destination microservice. We can…
Read More The Header Predicate in Spring Cloud API Gateway
This tutorial will teach you how to configure your Spring Cloud API Gateway to automatically create routes based on services registered with discovery clients like Eureka, Consul, or Zookeeper. For a step-by-step series of video lessons, please check this page: Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud. Enable Discovery Locator A quick way to enable Spring Cloud…
Read More Spring Cloud API Gateway Automatic Mapping of Routes