Search results for: Spring Cloud Config

In this tutorial, we will read user data from AWS RDS with an access token. You can have a look at the following tutorials before moving ahead. Build and deploy a Serverless Spring Boot Web Application with AWS Lambda AWS Lambda with Spring Boot – A Simple GreetMe Example Amazon Cognito User Authentication in Spring…

Read More Reading user data from AWS RDS with an access token

In this tutorial, we are going to learn that how we can use AWS Lambda to store user data in Amazon RDS. This tutorial is divided into three parts. Creating database using Amazon RDS. Creating Spring Boot Application. Testing Lambda function. We can refer to the following tutorials before going ahead. Build and deploy a…

Read More Using AWS lambda to store user data in Amazon RDS

In this tutorial, we are going to see how to handle exceptions from a Lambda function in the API Gateway. For Lambda exceptions, we have to map the error status returned by the Lamba functions to the HTTP Status of the methods in API Gateway. If not, the API Gateway returns a 200 OK status…

Read More Handling Exceptions from AWS Lambda written in JAVA

In this tutorial, we are going to see how we can use the AWS API Gateway as a trigger to an AWS Lambda function. This tutorial requires you to be familiar with building and deploying Serverless Applications with AWS Lambda. Prerequisite: Build and Deploy a Serverless Spring Boot Web Application with AWS Lambda Firstly, add…

Read More Trigger a Lambda Function Using AWS API Gateway

Testing Java with JUnit & Mockito This video course is for beginners and you do not need to have any prior Unit testing knowledge to enrol into this course. The course covers JUnit 5 basics as well as advanced topics. You will also learn to use another very popular testing framework for Java called Mockito.…

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an instance of @LoadBalanced RestTemplate and make it communicate with an internal microservice. For a step-by-step series of video lessons, please check this page: Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud. Create RestTemplate Bean To create an instance of RestTemplate, you will need to first make sure…

Read More @LoadBalanced RestTemplate Call Internal Microservice

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make Zuul API Gateway pass an Authorization header to a downstream Microservice. To learn how to make Spring Boot Microservice read HTTP Request headers, please read this tutorial: Read HTTP Request Header in Spring MVC. Configure Zuul API Gateway to Forward an Authorization Header By default, Zuul…

Read More Pass Authorization Header to Downstream Microservice

If a requested Microservice takes long time to respond, Zuul Api Gateway might timeout and a Gateway timeout error will take place. { “timestamp”: “2019-05-24T00:53:22.152+0000”, “status”: 504, “error”: “Gateway Timeout”, “message”: “ Hystrix Readed time out” } In this short blog post I am going to share with you how to make your Zuul Api…

Read More Zuul API Gateway Timeout Error

In this tutorial, you will learn how to download, install and run Rabbit MQ on your computer. I will also show you how to change the default Rabbit MQ Administrator password and create a new user. You might also be interested to learn how to run RabbitMQ in a Docker container or use RabbitMQ with…

Read More Rabbit MQ – Download, Install and Change Password

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Web Service or a Microservice and how to make it register with Eureka Discovery Server. For a step-by-step series of video lessons, please check this page: Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud. Start Eureka Discovery Server To be able to follow this tutorial, you will…

Read More Register Microservice(Eureka Client) with Eureka Server

Create RESTFul Web Services with JAX-RS and Jersey Most of the below code examples have been included in my video course: REST API with Java JAX-RS. Create and Deploy to Amazon Cloud. So you can learn how to build RESTful Web Service either by following the below tutorials or watch video lessons or even both!  :). Create…

Read More RESTful Web Services