With this short Swift code example, I am going to share with you how to download a large file from a remote URL. It could be an image file, video file, or even a ZIP archive of a large size.
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The Swift code example below will cover the following:
- Create a destination URL,
- Create URL to the source file you want to download,
- Use URLSession to download a file from a remote URL,
- Copy downloaded file from a temporary URL to a destination URL on the device,
- Handle file download SUCCESS and ERROR situations.
Download File From a Remote URL. Code Example in Swift 3.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Create destination URL
let documentsUrl:URL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
let destinationFileUrl = documentsUrl.appendingPathComponent("downloadedFile.jpg")
//Create URL to the source file you want to download
let fileURL = URL(string: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/learn-swift/IMG_0001.JPG")
let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig)
let request = URLRequest(url:fileURL!)
let task = session.downloadTask(with: request) { (tempLocalUrl, response, error) in
if let tempLocalUrl = tempLocalUrl, error == nil {
// Success
if let statusCode = (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode {
print("Successfully downloaded. Status code: \(statusCode)")
do {
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: tempLocalUrl, to: destinationFileUrl)
} catch (let writeError) {
print("Error creating a file \(destinationFileUrl) : \(writeError)")
} else {
print("Error took place while downloading a file. Error description: %@", error?.localizedDescription);
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Create destination URL
let documentsUrl:URL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
let destinationFileUrl = documentsUrl.appendingPathComponent("downloadedFile.jpg")
//Create URL to the source file you want to download
let fileURL = URL(string: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/learn-swift/IMG_0001.JPG")
let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig)
let request = URLRequest(url:fileURL!)
let task = session.downloadTask(with: request) { (tempLocalUrl, response, error) in
if let tempLocalUrl = tempLocalUrl, error == nil {
// Success
if let statusCode = (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode {
print("Successfully downloaded. Status code: \(statusCode)")
do {
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: tempLocalUrl, to: destinationFileUrl)
} catch (let writeError) {
print("Error creating a file \(destinationFileUrl) : \(writeError)")
} else {
print("Error took place while downloading a file. Error description: %@", error?.localizedDescription);
import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() } override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) // Create destination URL let documentsUrl:URL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first! let destinationFileUrl = documentsUrl.appendingPathComponent("downloadedFile.jpg") //Create URL to the source file you want to download let fileURL = URL(string: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/learn-swift/IMG_0001.JPG") let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.default let session = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig) let request = URLRequest(url:fileURL!) let task = session.downloadTask(with: request) { (tempLocalUrl, response, error) in if let tempLocalUrl = tempLocalUrl, error == nil { // Success if let statusCode = (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode { print("Successfully downloaded. Status code: \(statusCode)") } do { try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: tempLocalUrl, to: destinationFileUrl) } catch (let writeError) { print("Error creating a file \(destinationFileUrl) : \(writeError)") } } else { print("Error took place while downloading a file. Error description: %@", error?.localizedDescription); } } task.resume() } }
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