
In this Kotlin programming tutorial I am going to share with you how to load image from a remote URL in Kotlin using Glide. Glide is probably the easiest and the most efficient way to load image to an ImageView.  You can use Glide to load a local image and well as an image hosted on a remote…

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In this short Kotlin programming tutorial we will learn how to create a Switch in Kotlin programmatically. In the code example below we are going to cover: Create Switch and add it to a LinearLayout Get input from the Switch when it’s state is changed  Set textOff and textOn text programmatically Set OnClickListener on the…

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In this short Kotlin programming tutorial I am going to share with you how to create a CheckBox in Kotlin programmatically. You will learn how to create two checkboxes and how to read a value from CheckBox when it is selected. The code example below with cover: Create CheckBox in Kotlin programmatically, Use setOnClickListener to know when check…

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In this short Kotlin tutorial I am going to share with you how to create a TimePicker in Kotlin programmatically and how to update text label when the value of Hours or Minutes has changed. The below code example will cover: Create TimePicker and add it to LinearLayout Get input from TimePicker when user changes the value…

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In this Kotlin code example we will learn how to create DatePicker in Kotlin programmatically. To break it in more details the code example below will cover:  Create DatePicker in LinearLayout Initialize DatePicker with current date( Year, Month and Day) When user changes the DatePicker values, call OnDateChangeListener and get input from the DatePicker Set DatePicker values…

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In Kotlin you may skip and not use the findViewById( ) and still be able to refer to UI components defined in XML Layout file. There is another way. You will need to do a couple of things first:  Edit your Module/ app level build.gradle file Import the data binding library into the Kotlin file (Don’t worry,…

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In this short code example below we will learn how to create ImageButton in Kotlin programmatically. A short code snippet in Kotlin below will cover: Create ImageView in a ConstraintLayout Load image from a resource Set onClickListener on ImageButton Change ImageButton image when the button is tapped For this example to work and to load an…

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In this short Kotlin code example we will learn how to create a single CardView in Kotlin programmatically. CardView is a FrameLayout with a rounded corner background and shadow. You can add multiple views into a CardView and then show them in a list one under another.  We will make a quotation card containing quote and…

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