Master Methods in Java
Methods are an essential part of Java programming. They are used to group a set of statements together to perform a specific task, which can be called whenever needed. In this tutorial, we will discuss the different types of methods in Java, including predefined methods and user-defined methods, and their advantages. We will also cover…
Read More Master Methods in JavaJava Virtual Machine (JVM): The Complete Guide
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is an integral part of the Java platform and is responsible for executing Java code. It provides a platform-independent environment for running Java applications, allowing developers to write code once and run it anywhere. Understanding how the JVM works is essential for Java developers to optimize performance and ensure the…
Read More Java Virtual Machine (JVM): The Complete GuideMaster Variables in Java
Variables are an essential part of programming in Java. They are used to store data that can be later retrieved and manipulated. Understanding the different types of variables and their scope is crucial to writing efficient and maintainable code. In this tutorial, we will discuss the basics of variables in Java, including what they are,…
Read More Master Variables in JavaJRE, JDK, and JVM: Understanding Differences and Uses
In addition to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), the JDK includes the following components: Compiler The Java compiler is used to convert Java source code into bytecode that can be executed on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). A compiler is a command-line tool that takes a .java file as input and produces a .class file…
Read More JRE, JDK, and JVM: Understanding Differences and UsesAutoboxing and Unboxing in Java
Primitive type Wrapper class boolean Boolean byte Byte char Character float Float int Integer long Long short Short double Double class Test { int id = 5; Integer id1 = id; // autoboxing } class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 10; int b = 20; List<Integer> list = new…
Read More Autoboxing and Unboxing in JavaJava Data Types: The Complete Beginner’s Guide
Programming languages like Java rely on the use of data types to manage and manipulate data in a program. Data types are a fundamental concept in programming and understanding them is crucial to becoming a proficient Java developer. Java has two main categories of data types: primitive data types and reference data types. Primitive data…
Read More Java Data Types: The Complete Beginner’s GuideYour First Java Program: A Guide to Compiling and Running It Successfully
Welcome to this tutorial on how to compile and run your first Java program. Java is a versatile and widely used programming language, known for its portability and platform independence. Whether you are new to programming or have experience with other languages, this tutorial will provide you with a step-by-step guide to writing and executing…
Read More Your First Java Program: A Guide to Compiling and Running It SuccessfullySetting up Java Development Environment: A Complete Guide
If you’re new to Java programming or just starting out, it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to begin. That’s why I’ve put together this guide to help you get set up with everything you need to start developing Java applications. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the steps of downloading and…
Read More Setting up Java Development Environment: A Complete GuideType Casting in Java
class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { short a = 10; int b = a; // automatically converts the short type into int type int c = 10; long d = c; // automatically converts the integer type into long type float f = d; // automatically converts the long type into float…
Read More Type Casting in JavaJava operators
Operator Description Example + Indicates positive value +a – Negates an expression value (Converts positive number to negative) -a ++ Increments a value by 1 ++a — Decrements a value by 1 –a ! Inverts the value of a boolean type !true gives false %= Assigns the remainder to the left operand when dividing the…
Read More Java operatorsJava’s Powerful Features: A Comprehensive Guide
Java is a programming language that is widely known for its versatility, power, and many features. It is popular among developers due to its object-oriented design, portability, and strong security. Java’s object-oriented design allows developers to organize their code into modular units, making it easier to build large-scale applications. Java’s portability means that code can…
Read More Java’s Powerful Features: A Comprehensive GuideJava Main Method: A Comprehensive Guide
Java main method is the entry point of any Java program. It’s the method that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) calls to execute the program. In this tutorial, we’ll explore what the main method is, how it’s executed, and what the valid Java main method signatures are. We’ll also discuss some best practices for writing…
Read More Java Main Method: A Comprehensive GuideFormatting Output with printf() in Java package contains a PrintStream class with two formatting methods: format() and printf(). This tutorial will teach formatting output with printf() in Java. Here, we will first deconstruct the printf() syntax. After that, we will practice a few of the examples through which you will learn to format string, number, boolean, date, and time in java.…
Read More Formatting Output with printf() in JavaUpcasting Vs Downcasting in Java
class Vehicle { int maxSpeed = 250; public void printMaxSpeed() { System.out.println(“Max speed: ” + maxSpeed); } } class Car extends Vehicle { int maxSpeed = 300; @Override public void printMaxSpeed() { System.out.println(“Max speed: ” + maxSpeed); } } class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Vehicle vehicle = new Car(); // upcasting…
Read More Upcasting Vs Downcasting in Java