
Spring Boot Actuator is a useful feature that provides developers with a set of tools to monitor and manage their applications. However, some of the actuator endpoints are sensitive and can potentially expose sensitive information about your application. In this article, we’ll explore different ways to secure these endpoints to ensure your application is protected.…

Read More Securing Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints: Best Practices

In this tutorial, I will explain in detail how to secure sensitive Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints using Spring Boot version 3. This tutorial is intended for beginners who want to learn how to monitor and manage their Spring Boot applications using Actuator. Spring Boot Actuator is a sub-module of Spring Boot that provides production-ready features…

Read More How to Secure Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints with Basic Authentication

In a microservices architecture, it is common to have multiple services communicating with each other over the network. This distributed nature of the architecture can make it challenging to diagnose and debug issues when they arise. To address this problem, developers often use monitoring(Micrometer) and tracing tools(Zipkin) to track the flow of requests between microservices.…

Read More Micrometer and Zipkin: How to Trace HTTP Requests in Spring Boot 3

In this tutorial, you will learn how to remove the DEBUG banner in the Flutter app. Removing the DEBUG banner is crucial for ensuring that your Flutter mobile application looks polished and production-ready. It’s also important to note that this label can be misleading to users who may mistake it for an error or bug…

Read More Removing the DEBUG Banner in Flutter App

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Splash Screen in your Flutter mobile application. What is a Splash Screen? The splash screen is an introductory screen that displays a company’s logo or tagline. A plain white screen can make the app seem unprofessional, so it’s important to create a splash screen for your Flutter-built…

Read More Creating a Splash Screen in Flutter

In this tutorial, you will learn how to enable OpenAPI(Swagger) in your Spring Boot version 3 application. What is OpenAPI? OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger) is a specification for building and documenting RESTful APIs. It allows developers to describe their API operations, inputs, outputs, and other aspects in a structured and machine-readable format. This documentation…

Read More Enable OpenAPI 3(Swagger) in Spring Boot 3

In this tutorial, we will explore various ways to implement a Checkbox in Flutter. A Checkbox is a type of widget that holds a boolean value. The two widgets that we will cover in this tutorial are: Checkbox CheckboxListTile If you are interested in video tutorials, check out the Flutter Video Tutorials page. Checkbox In…

Read More Flutter Checkbox Example