Author: Sergey Kargopolov

I’m a software developer with a passion for teaching. I’ve written lots of articles for and made plenty of video tutorials on my YouTube channel( If you want to dive deeper, I’ve also got some courses on Udemy( you might like.

When I’m not coding, I love to travel. I also share my travel adventures over at Hope to see you around on one of these platforms!


In this Java programming tutorial I would like to share with you a sample Java code that uses Amazon AWS SES(Simple Email Service) Java SDK to send an email message. I used this code implement Email Verification feature for my mobile app. The code below would send an email message containing an email verification link…

Read More Send Email Message Using AWS SES Java SDK

In this Kotlin programming tutorial I am going to share with you how to load image from a remote URL in Kotlin using Glide. Glide is probably the easiest and the most efficient way to load image to an ImageView.  You can use Glide to load a local image and well as an image hosted on a remote…

Read More Load Image From a Remote URL with Kotlin and Glide

In this short Kotlin programming tutorial we will learn how to create a Switch in Kotlin programmatically. In the code example below we are going to cover: Create Switch and add it to a LinearLayout Get input from the Switch when it’s state is changed  Set textOff and textOn text programmatically Set OnClickListener on the…

Read More Create a Switch in Kotlin Programmatically

In this short Kotlin programming tutorial I am going to share with you how to create a CheckBox in Kotlin programmatically. You will learn how to create two checkboxes and how to read a value from CheckBox when it is selected. The code example below with cover: Create CheckBox in Kotlin programmatically, Use setOnClickListener to know when check…

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In this short Kotlin tutorial I am going to share with you how to create a TimePicker in Kotlin programmatically and how to update text label when the value of Hours or Minutes has changed. The below code example will cover: Create TimePicker and add it to LinearLayout Get input from TimePicker when user changes the value…

Read More Create TimePicker in Kotlin Programmatically

When you start building a mobile app most likely you will need to build pages like user Sign up and once user has successfully registered, you will need to create a Sign in page. I have created many video tutorial how to implement these pages in Swift and if you follow those you will no doubt…

Read More REST API with Java JAX-RS. Create and Deploy to Amazon Cloud.

With this tutorial I wanted to share with you how to configure your Java project and it’s hibernate configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml to use a more professional and production ready connection pool provider C3P0. Hibernate’s internal connection pooling algorithm is rudimentary, and is provided for development and testing purposes. In my earlier blog posts I used…

Read More Configure Hibernate to Use C3P0 Connection Pool

In this Java tutorial I am going to share with you how to create an Anonymous java class and also how to Replace Java Anonymous Class with a shorter lambda expression. Let’s start by creating and interface which we will use in this tutorial. Our anonymous java class will implement a single method defined in this java…

Read More Replace Anonymous Java Class with Lambda Expression

In this Kotlin code example we will learn how to create DatePicker in Kotlin programmatically. To break it in more details the code example below will cover:  Create DatePicker in LinearLayout Initialize DatePicker with current date( Year, Month and Day) When user changes the DatePicker values, call OnDateChangeListener and get input from the DatePicker Set DatePicker values…

Read More Create DatePicker in Kotlin

In Kotlin you may skip and not use the findViewById( ) and still be able to refer to UI components defined in XML Layout file. There is another way. You will need to do a couple of things first:  Edit your Module/ app level build.gradle file Import the data binding library into the Kotlin file (Don’t worry,…

Read More You may skip and not use the findViewById( ) in Kotlin