Author: Sergey Kargopolov

I’m a software developer with a passion for teaching. I’ve written lots of articles for and made plenty of video tutorials on my YouTube channel( If you want to dive deeper, I’ve also got some courses on Udemy( you might like.

When I’m not coding, I love to travel. I also share my travel adventures over at Hope to see you around on one of these platforms!


In this tutorial, you will learn how to disable the rotation of UIViewController embedded into UINavigationController in Swift. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a working Swift code example that you can use in your mobile application. Step 1: Override shouldAutorotate Function in UIViewController To begin, you need to override the shouldAutorotate function in your UIViewController subclass.…

Read More Disable Rotation of UIViewController Embedded into UINavigationController

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a playback slider to AVPlayer in Swift to control audio playback. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a working Swift code example that you can use in your mobile application. Step 1: Create AVPlayer and AVPlayerItem First, you need to import the necessary…

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to play the music mp3 file from a remote URL in Swift. To play music in your mobile app, you will use two very important classes: AVPlayer and AVPlayerItem. But before I show you how to use them, I will briefly describe each one to you. AVPlayer is…

Read More AVPlayer. Play Music MP3 File From a Remote URL In Swift

WKWebView is a powerful class in the WebKit framework that allows you to embed web content in your iOS app. It’s essentially a mini-browser that provides a rich, interactive web experience within your application. Unlike UIWebView, which was deprecated and removed from iOS 12 onwards, WKWebView is more efficient, has better performance, and offers advanced features like…

Read More Create WKWebView Programmatically and Load Webpage URL

In this tutorial, you will learn how to determine a user’s current location in Swift using CLLocationManager and CLLocationManagerDelegate. CLLocationManager is the class that you use to start and stop the delivery of location-related events to your app. You can use it to track the user’s current location, report heading changes, monitor regions of interest, and range nearby…

Read More Determine User’s Current Location in Swift

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create UIImageView programmatically and how to load an image from a remote URL.  I’ll show you how to create a UIImageView and UIImage programmatically, and teach you how to fetch and display an image from a URL. Step 1: Creating UIImageView Programmatically First,  let’s create a UIImageView programmatically. UIImageView is a…

Read More UIImageView and UIImage. Load Image From Remote URL.

UIStepper is a control in iOS that is used to increment or decrement a numeric value. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a UIStepper programmatically, add it as a subview, position it in the center of the UIView, make the UIStepper value continuously increment when a user taps and holds the button,…

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to make UIImage circular programmatically in Swift. Making a UIImage circular programmatically in Swift involves several steps. Step 1: Create a UIImageView with Your Image First, you need to create a UIImageView instance within your UIViewController. Then set the image you want to display  UIImageView by initializing it with a…

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create UISegmentedControl programmatically in Swift. A UISegmentedControl is a horizontal control that consists of multiple segments, each segment functioning as a discrete button. You can use UISegmentedControl to create custom user interface elements for your app, such as a switch or a filter. Creating a UISegmentedControl programmatically…

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and customize UISlider programmatically in Swift. Creating and customizing a UISlider programmatically in Swift involves several steps. Here’s how you can do it: Step 1: Create UISlider Programmatically First, you need to create a UISlider programmatically. You can do this by creating a new instance of the…

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and customize UISwitch programmatically in Swift. Creating and customizing a UISwitch programmatically in Swift involves several steps. Here’s how you can do it: Step 1: Create a basic UISwitch First, import the UIKit framework and create a new class that inherits from UIViewController. Inside the viewDidLoad() method, instantiate a new UISwitch object.…

Read More Create UISwitch in Swift Programmatically