Create UIStepper Programmatically in Swift

UIStepper is a control in iOS that is used to increment or decrement a numeric value.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a UIStepper programmatically, add it as a subview, position it in the center of the UIView, make the UIStepper value continuously increment when a user taps and holds the button, and make the UIStepper resume from the beginning when the maximum value is reached.

If you are interested in video lessons on how to write Unit tests and UI tests to test your Swift mobile app, check out this page: Unit Testing Swift Mobile App

Step 1: Initialize UIStepper

Your first will be to initialize a UIStepper object. You can specify the frame of the UIStepper, but in this case, you’ll just give it a temporary frame and adjust it later.

let myUIStepper = UIStepper(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 150, width: 0, height: 0))

Step 2: Set UIStepper Properties

Next, you can set the properties of the UIStepper object according to your requirements.

  • To make the UIStepper value resume from the beginning when the maximum value is reached, set the wraps property to true.
  • To position the UIStepper in the center of the view, set the center property to
  • To make the UIStepper value continuously increment when a user taps and holds the button, set the autorepeat property to true.
  • To set the maximum value of the UIStepper, assign the desired value to the maximumValue property.
myUIStepper.wraps = true =
myUIStepper.autorepeat = true
myUIStepper.maximumValue = 10

Step 3: Add a Function Handler

To call a function when the UIStepper value changes, add a target action to it. Here, you’re calling the stepperValueChanged(_:) function whenever the .valueChanged event occurs.

myUIStepper.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.stepperValueChanged(_:)), for: .valueChanged)

Step 4: Define the Function Handler

Next, you can define a function handler that gets called when the UIStepper value changes. In this case, the function prints the current value of the UIStepper.

@objc func stepperValueChanged(_ sender: UIStepper!) {
    print("UIStepper is now \(Int(sender.value))")

Step 5: Add UIStepper as a Subview

Finally, add the UIStepper as a subview to your view.


UIStepper: Complete Code Example

Below is the complete code example using all the above code snippets together. It will create a new UIStepper programmatically, configure it with custom values and create a handler function which will be triggered when the value of UIStepper changes.

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let myUIStepper = UIStepper(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 150, width: 0, height: 0))
        myUIStepper.wraps = true // Make UIStepper resume from the beginning when the maximum value is reached =
        myUIStepper.autorepeat = true
        myUIStepper.maximumValue = 10
        myUIStepper.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.stepperValueChanged(_:)), for: .valueChanged)

    @objc func stepperValueChanged(_ sender: UIStepper!) {
        print("UIStepper is now \(Int(sender.value))")

Create UIStepper Programmatically


I hope this tutorial was helpful to you. You now know how to create and customize UIStepper programmatically.

To learn more about Swift and to find other code examples, check the following page: Swift Code Examples.

Keep coding, and happy learning!

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