Lets’ create an Array with three elements first.
var myArray = ["Swift", "Objective-C", "PHP"]
Now we can loop through all elements in Array
for arrayElement in myArray { print(arrayElement) }
Loop through an array of elements and print out element index as well as element value.
for (index, element) in myArray.enumerated() { print("Element index: \(index). Element value \(element)") }
Print all array elements using the forEach loop.
myArray.forEach { print("Element value \($0)") }
Loop through an array of elements starting from a specific array index.
for i in 0 ..< myArray.count { print("Element indexL \(i). Element value: \(myArray[i])") }
Loop through all elements in an array using the “for loop”.
for i in myArray.indices { print("Element index: \(i). Element value: \(myArray[i])") }
Loop through array elements backward using the reversed() function.
for i in myArray.indices.reversed() { print("Element index: \(i). Element value: \(myArray[i])") }
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